Privacy Policy & Data Protection

Privacy Policy 

Thank you for taking the time to read my privacy policy. Please note that when you contact me, you are agreeing to my use of your data in the way I am describing on this page.

Website Privacy Policy

The website contact form sends me an email with the content you wrote. This is stored in an email only and is covered by the Practice Privacy Policy below. 

I use cookies to improve your experience on my website. For more information, have a look at my cookie policy.

Practice Privacy Policy

Why do I collect personal data?

There is a normal set of documents that need to be stored when running a business; emails, notes, contracts, etc. , for me to work efficiently and ethically. All of your data will be deleted after 5 years.

What data do I store?

Emails and notes are stored and password protected. If you decided to work with me then I would also store your client detail form and take brief session notes after each session, to help me follow and remember our work and your journey.

Where do I keep it?

Your data is stored on my work devices which have their disks encrypted by Apple FileVault and have passwords to access the devices and documents. My session notes have an additional password layer. All the data has an encrypted backup stored in iCloud. 

Who do I share it with?

I will never share your data with anyone unless I believe you or another person’s life is in serious danger or I am legally required to by Scottish Law. I value your autonomy and our relationship, and I will always try to discuss the matter with you first.

Anonymised data is shared during my regular individual and monthly group supervision. 

How long do I keep it for?

I am required by my insurer to hold records for 5 years after our last contact. After this time all data will be deleted. 

Data Protection

I work under the GDPR legislation. As an individual, you have the following rights:

  • The right to be informed

  • The right of access

  • The right to rectification

  • The right to erasure

  • The right to restrict processing

  • The right to data portability

  • The right to object

  • Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling

For more information about GDPR, have a look at GDPR’s website.